

Three years of hard work is finally behind me. My new film W is completed! And I must say, it’s been quite a ride. Hell of a lot of pressure, ambitions, expectations…The second one is the toughest they say, but I think each one is the toughest. And considering what W stands for, I think I’ve managed to pull out one of the most important films of 2022.

Be it the second or the tenth film, if one isn’t insanely adamant with ones vision, there will always be plenty of paths leading you astray. I think the most important thing is to listen to the work itself. Give it what it craves. Not what you crave. Give it everything you’ve got and it will not desert you. Give it less, it will eat you. Life or death. That’s the name of the game.

In many ways W continues the legacy of M. It draws from the same underworld of passion and brutality. Once again I’m standing in the epicentre and by now I know, it’s either me or nobody taking that place. It was naive to even think I’d have a choice. I use my mind and my body to the extreme to reach out for the truth, and I really don’t give a damn what happens to me in that process. Whom could I ask to do that for me?

We live in a world of double standards. We are more or less forced to self censorship, and even though most people realise it is the antithesis to freedom and art, many of us will silently give in. It’s understandable, but not fully acceptable. Overthinking and fear kills the spirit of art, leaving only a rattling skeleton.

What does it take to be an auteur filmmaker in a time marked by the over indulgence of purified and often superficial “content”? It takes absolutely everything. With each and, every film one has to rewrite the standards and reinvent the rules for auteur cinema.Nothing less will do. To keep this wonderful art alive one needs to wholeheartedly rebel and sail against the big wave, that wave being anything and everything that restricts the freedom of expression. Ultimately it isn’t about wrong or right. It’s about fighting the system whether it serves you or not. If it serves you, rebel even harder.

We are encouraged to live a life characterised by the obsession of winning, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to build ones reality on another set of truths. But I do believe it’s possible and I think that the new reality should grow from resistance. Resistance on a deep, personal level. Why?

Because resisting is the most powerful expression of solidarity. You win for yourself, you revolt for the common good.